Sunday, May 22, 2005

22nd May: A posting direct from the man himself

Hi guys,

Well it's nice to be something like a happy ending to this story. My recovery is headed in the right direction yet I'm conscious of the fact that things could have easily been so much worse. If I've learnt one thing from this whole experience it's that no matter what happens things could always be worse and you should always keep on pushing (my apologies for the triathlon-speak in that last bit).

To let you know what it feels like (and to use my physio Sue's analogy) it as if an army has run through my head with a scorched earth policy burning all the crops and killing all the locals. There's quite a lot to get used to. The most major thing is the fatigue given I wasn't a guy who ever let lack of sleep get in the way of anything important to me. Most things that use muscles require relearning (for example for accuracy reasons I'm having to one finger type the keys for this document even though I knew how to touch type before the accident). The relearning includes walking and eating. For example, try swallowing your saliva three times. I'm told that the third time was what it was like for me eating originally. On top of this I have a number of problems I'm told are common to head injuries the most annoying of which is a cloudiness over the brain. My memory is ok but as events move closer to 20th Feb they get harder to remember without prompting. I have no memory from before the accident itself until early April (for better or worse). This all said, I've been told by friends who knew me well before the accident that I still have the same sense of humour and the same smile.

I've tried to say thank you to a number of people and been told either that the accident wasn't my fault or I would have done the same for them. While both of these may be true neither reduces my need to say thank you to a few people. Firstly, my thanks go out to my parents, Lee and Bryce, (who could ask for anything more?), my sister and brother-in-law, Tracy and Andrew, (thanks for cutting short your OE for me) and my brother, Phillip, (thanks for your attitude and for still coming to visit me despite getting told off by the Cavit staff at least twice). My thanks also go to my extended family, to all the medical staff involved in my recovery (including the unknown doctor who stopped and helped me immediately following the accident) and to my co-accidentee, Ben Schurr. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has come to visit me, sent something to me or posted something on this blog site.

I don't have an internet connection yet but hope to get one very shortly. I will take over putting posts on this blog but I'm sorry to say the frequency will drop. I will put something on this site when I have some major news about my recovery.

Kind regards and best wishes,


Anonymous said...

Go for it Mike
The best posting yet.. one finger = 100% accuracy.
Malo..... malo.....
Lo'omatua Mary
(Approximate translation - that old bag!)
PS Found a new selection of Samoan postcards last night so expect some new ones next week.

Anonymous said...

Gidday Mike

Dave Haines here again. Misty and bloody freezing down my way this afternoon. Got the fire going though so it's warm on the inside.

Nice to hear what it's like in Cavit from the horse's mouth - and so eloquently put. At least you can still write immaculate sentences, even if they might take a bit longer...

Things literary are on my mind at the moment, trying to get this #$@!ing thesis written and it feels like I'm going at about one character per hour as well.

I can understand how maintaining a weblog with such regularity must become a bit of a chore after a while. As much as I will miss my daily session of cheering on your recovery, I suspect there's something of the voyeur (and quite a lot of the procrastinator) in my fascination with visiting the site. As well, of course as a deep concern for your welfare...

Now that you're well capable of communicating on your own (if, for now, at a reduced pace) it can probably be acheived in a less public, more personal format - something more old-fashioned, like email for instance.

Anyway, like I said, for the next few month's I'll be glued to my desk on Masters' duty, so if you want to commisserate with a fellow captive-audience my email address is below.

OK that's my rant for today. Thanks to your folks for sending me a card - isn't it nice to get mail that's not bills! Ah, the golden age of the letter. Good luck for the coming weeks, and I might see you up in Welly, hopefully after we've both made some progress on our goals for June-July '05.

cheers mate, and good luck.


Anonymous said...

Happy your a Champion,

It's so good to hear from you. I could hear your voice in the back of my head reading me your blog. I cant wait to come and see you in August and hear it live. Japan is great!! Although it is starting to get pretty hot. I'm not looking forward to summer. One good thing though is that I've got full use of the school pool, so I think I will have to include swimming in my next goal!!

Thanks for the insight into how your feeling, it gives me and I'm sure other people a greater understanding of what you went through and are still going through. Catch ya soon MATE!


Anonymous said...

Mike it's an absolute joy to see your post. It's worth waiting as long as it takes to hear "from the horse's mouth". Less frequent posts in the past have usually been more relaxed, too - so it's all good!Congratulations and Bravo to you, and as always our thoughts and love to you & the whanau!! (I think I've mentioned before - don't stress if our names draw a blank - you've only met us once or twice!!)
Carolyn, Grant, Kate & Adam.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mike,
Great to hear from you and your eloquent description of what it is like to recover from a brain injury. Probably not a major goal of yours, but I bet you will be able to write a research paper on the subject in a couple of months.
Thinking of you,
Dave and Irena
PS Greg will be back from his OE this Christmas after almost 3 years away working in Heidelberg and London.

Anonymous said...


We are really pleased to hear from "the man himself". It is really good news that progress continues and as the old saying goes, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'.

We will continue to monitor the blog and keep up with things. As and when you have news will be great.

K & J

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike! So FANTASTIC to hear from you direct! I've just popped home to see the parentals (usual Sunday evening story) and Mum told me that you had done a posting yourself! So exciting! Keep it up, and I'll see you soon.
xKate Gundy
PS have just been on phone to Lucy from London - she says great work too when I told her you'd done your own posting!

Anonymous said...

It is so fantastic to hear from you Mike, we can't believe how far you have come in such a short time - like always you continue to excell and to exceed all expectations. You are a true inspiration!!
We are both busy but happy at university. The year is moving along so fast and we are both up to our eyeballs in some facinating, and some not so facinating reading!! (Mark is trying to privatise the state prison system!!)
Holidays are coming up though and we are planning to head your way.

Lots of love and good vibes,
Zo and Mark xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

How wonderful to read a posting from you. Your vocab and accuracy seems not only spot on- but the usual Mike perfect.

Your achievements are an inspiration.

Am accumulating post cards but often posting them is a problem.

Am in Cambodia now and looking to head to London in a week- so you'll probably receive them then

Take care,

Lou :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, great to hear from the man himself! I've just spent a week with your dad here in Arlington, VA (USofA) and we had a great time together. We both think that if the PhD route still tempts you in the future, you should consider GMU. With your intelligence, passion, and amazing motivation, you would love it here. Allright, enough of this, or Lee will give me a funny look next time I show up in NZ.. Mike, continue inspiring us all.
ciao mate - fred

Anonymous said...

"Direct from the man himself" there could be no better heading for a post. Well done Mike, it doesn't matter how long it takes to type (we can't tell) but I am sure we have all got emmence pleasure from reading it.
You are doing really really well, can't wait to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic work Mike

You have come an incredibly long way in three months, which is just amazing. I'm sure you will continue to impress us all with you progress.

Great to hear from you directly.
Jacqui Hewson

Anonymous said...

It's been so good to hear of your steady progress, Mike, and know all your family is sharing in the joy and relief of your recovery.

We feel a long way away but we are proud of your efforts and look forward to catching up again sometime when you are well enough to celebrate properly or maybe take some R&R up our way.

Cheers, love and all the best,

Alan & Pat

Anonymous said...

Well done Mike. First step in taking control of your life and what a way to go. The description was perfect.

Anonymous said...

Your a bit of a legend Mike, What else can we say.
It was hard to believe you would recover half this well but you seem to have proved the critics wrong.
Keep working hard and hopefully that trip to see the Tour de France will happen.
See you in 5 weeks mate, (then our travels begin).
Catch ya later, Paul.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!! Great to read the blog from you Happy, your progress has been nothing short of amazing.
Looking forward to reading your own blogs keep those fingers tapping.

Love Gav and Marg

Anonymous said...

Well done Mike. It's great to hear that you're progressing so well.

No need to apologise for triathlon-speak: it sounds like the determination needed for that level of training is being put to extremely good use in the recovery process.

All the best

Andrew Shelley

Anonymous said...


Your progress over the last 3 months has been awesome, your strength and determination are a true inspiration to all of us.
Looking forward to catching up with you soon.

Kim McArthur :)

Anonymous said...

Simply bloddy great to hear from you Mike ole mate.
It is great tonic for a monday morn.
Cheers, Peter Simpson

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike

Great to read a posting from you.

Congratulations on the progress to date. All the best for the road that is before you. Thinking of you and praying for a full recovery.

Katrina Kirkcaldie (Gloyn)

Anonymous said...

HeySuper news Mike, glad to have u back on line. I have all the porn saved up that u liked me to mail to u so u haven't missed out on anything. ;-)
We miss u a lot up here, Strange not having ur booming voice around the house.
Can u get Bryce or Lee to mail me pls as I lost their email address' following a laptop snafu and had to reinstall. I want to send u a list of all the music I have on my HD and u can take a look at what u want. I'll send u some cds.
Big hugs from the big smoke.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike
Good to have a posting from you and to know that you continue to make positive progress.
Hello to the Family.
Best Regards
Gail and Mark

Anonymous said...


Great work - good to finally here from you.

I 'm planning a weekend home at some stage so book me in for a visit then.

Keep up the amazing recovery.


Anonymous said...

Well well well if it isn't the man himself!

It inspires little else but disbelief to read these very "Mike-like" words. I cannot believe you have come so far from the condition I last saw you in!
You've done so well Mike... very impressed!

I will be in to visit very soon, and I look forward to witnessing all the progress you have made.

All the best Mike,

Simon Fraser

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Awesome to hear from you. Logging on to the blog and reading your words has absolutely made my week! You have come such a long way since visiting you a few days after the accident. Keep up the amazing progress and I look forward to chating to you soon.

Ben Blundell

P.S Just got back from a weekend trip to the University of Oregon to see Ben Mackay. We were both commenting on your rapid progress these last couple of months and if anyone can do it, you can!

Catch you later buddy.

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