Sunday, July 31, 2005

Training Day(s)

I thought I'd talk about something I'd already mentioned like I did for the walking in this post so you have to put up with me talking about my training. Back on 4th July I had my first session on an exercycle. I think I wrote on the blog at the time that the exercycle was the idea of a friend's sister who was seriously injured in a car versus pedestrian accident a few year ago but now is extremely fit.

I have been on the exercycle a few times since and it's great to be active again. If, in the future, I appear to be taking the ability to get fit for granted I am giving permission to people to tell me off. I haven't been too often because my physio feels responsible for me and wants to come too, but it still feels great. My physio wanting to come too creates quite a big problem for me because I would rather do balance exercises with her than train. Hopefully, I will get discharged soon and I can get an exercycle to use at home. The quality of the exercycles at the hospital makes me a bit fussy. I will probably get my old pedals from Paraparaumu and buy some new clips and shoes (my old ones were never returned). I am a bit of an exercise snob after all.

The exercycle has a number of advantages over other forms of exercise. I can’t run or swim normally yet and I am meant to stay off the road while riding for a bit. Also, the more observant of you might have noticed that the article written about me recently mentioned I had some double vision. In certain directions I find I have two images, which is the result of my eyes pointing very slightly in different directions. Apparently, this will have been caused by fragile nerves between my eyes and brain getting shaken up in the accident and will come right either in time or by operation. The double vision would also prevent me from riding on the road.

The exercycling will be more helpful if I am able to ride again in the future. This is not guaranteed, because my balance while riding may be a bit of a problem. I haven't done anything to make me think it will be a problem yet, but I guess we won't find out for sure until I get enough truck strength to try riding again.

If I can't ride I will probably just take up running or something. Even if I devote myself to running full time I still don't think I'll be as quick as my ironman training mate and co-accidentee, Ben 'The Hammer' Schurr. There are plenty of sports to try, though, even if we can't be good at all of them.
