Mike has a CD/tape/radio machine. He can operate the CD and radio by remote control, but not the tape deck. So we are looking at borrowing talking CDs for him to listen to when his eyes get too tired for reading.
Wellington Library has the following lists available of books on CD (plus a few others that wind up in the list for some mysterious reason):
- Fiction CDs: http://whekenui.wcl.govt.nz/cgi-bin/cw_cgi?10030+REDIRX+usedatabase_2540_w_fiction%20cd
- Non-Fiction CDs:
We need CDs where:
- the language is reasonably simple (no complex imagery)
- the story is upbeat (otherwise he gets depressed)
- and is overall something that Mike would like (so romantic fiction is out).
We've tried Asimov (a bit depressing apparently) and Dave Barry (a hit), and I recently took out a Bernard Cornwall CD (Sharpe's Honour), but I don't know enough about all the authors available. So, if you have some time, happen to know that one of the books available on CD meets these criteria and you'd recommend it for Mike, could you please say so in the comments?
Just a couple of notes. Firstly according to the librarian the non-fiction list starts off with a lot of self-help books and then moves onto other subjects. So if you find the first few screens like being at an American motivational conference, it's not all like that.
Secondly, it might take a while to get your recommendation to Mike. He's happily listening to music CDs at the moment and then there's the issue of when the library next gets the CD in. So, if Mike doesn't provide a review of every single rec by tomorrow, please forgive me. :)